Today was Shabbat, and I failed to plan it out well. Last night, I continued a pattern of staying awake too much. However, I did make an effort to habitualize improvements.
Last night, I listened to an audio file to “Reprogram Me,” through hypnosis. Though I have come to bitterly eschew these personal development recordings, this time, listening to something I got months ago and never used, brought me to a different attitude.
The theory is to train yourself – or train your mind – to think about things differently. This is not how these series are presented in the sales pages. There, they lead you to believe everything will happen without effort.
And I used to believe that you could get your overall vibrations in synch with the “universe” and attract good things in your life.
But now it’s different. I do not believe these new audios will change my life without effort. But if I listen to them daily, and become familiar with them, I believe that could change how I conduct myself.
That is, I no longer have much faith in something magical happening because of vibrations being connected. I have more faith in what I had been doing all along as a teacher. I honed skills by repetition.
So, if I listen and follow along to these hypnosis tapes every day, the new stressless “me” is bound to appear.
It’s like getting a song in your head. You hear it often enough, it gets embedded and packaged – all the nerve endings and synapse points bundled together, to be called at will. Maybe repeating these hypnosis exercises will lead to a more relaxed mode of being and thinking, and that is when new solutions will be thought of.
So what did I do today, to make George Washington’s birthday more memorable. Well, last night I started a course on AI tools, and I went to Lesson 2 before I began writing this story.
I also did 50 pushups straight without pausing.
I did some research on the hostages that were released from Gaza today. That is I wrote down parts of stories and links, so that I can use them later.
This morning I heard a horse. I went behind my backyard, and saw a horse named Coquito, tied to a tree and tangled up in a shrub. When I tried to help him get free – well, a longer line – the horse reared up and landed a couple hooves on my back. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt much, and I was not damaged. But from then on, I was wary of what the horse would do if I got too close.
I untied the rope from the tree and held onto the end. Through a series of maneuvers, the horse and I managed to free the rope from its entanglement. I tied it back onto the tree, and went into the house to get a bucket of water.
When I came back out, Pedro was there trying to discipline the horse. Pedro and I walked over to the area behind my house, and he said he would come by tomorrow to help me clear away some things so that 1. I might start a garden, and 2. we could put in a fence so Pedro could keep his horses there sometimes.
Looking over this letter, I see that I have actually begun some changes. I hope I have the wherewithall to form and maintain some needed habits