From “West Side Story” (1961) directed by Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise

West Side Story is a Broadway play about Puerto Ricans living in America
West Side Stories is a blog about an American living in Puerto Rico.

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Memories Of Mark

Mark Kupperberg’s 55th Yahrzeit. We lost our favorite cousin 55 years ago. And then we never talked about it. We never talked about him. Why? This little collection of memories is not only about Mark, but also about us. About the time period, and what was going on with us in 1969.

Mickey’s 10th Yahrzeit

This year is the 60th anniversary of my brother, Mickey’s, Bar Mitzvah, an event that brought dozens of family members to Forest Park, Illinois, where we all stayed, most of us, in the same house on the Navy base. Folks came by train and plane from Kansas City, the East Coast, and from other places as well. It was a raucus family gathering and celebration that is remembered for how the family provided all the food and entertainment activities. This year is also Mickey’s 10th Yahrzeit.

thermos pouring water

24-07-07-Being Prepared

A few unrelated stories illustrate the need to be prepared for various purposes. For hurricanes, for helping people along the way, for changes in schedule, and even for winning.

weeds and rain


Getting rid of weeds is like trying to put out several fires all at once. After you put out one fire, another springs up. The same with weeds. You can pull up some weeds one day, then it rains, and the same weeds are back the next day. All of this is likened to overcoming emotional difficulties by tackling a little bit at a time.

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